Ágnes Kapitány

Ágnes Kapitány
Download CV Professor Emerita (TK SZI)
Research Interests

sociology of values, cultural studies, cultural (social) anthropology, socio-semiotics, culture of everyday life, housing, world-views, symbolisation, life strategies, social theory

Selected Publications

Systemwechsel und Symbolwechsel in Ungarn, 1989-1996. [In: Symbole und Rituale des Politischen: Ost- und Westeuropa im Vergleich" Serie: "Historisch-Antropologische Studien", Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, 1998. Hg: Andreas Pribersky und Berthold Unfried] (pp. 159-174)

Beszélő házak (Speech of Houses), Kossuth, Bp. 2000. (pp. 296)

Magyarság-szimbólumok, (Symbols of Hungarian National Identity), Európai Folklór Intézet, Bp. 2002. (3. bővített kiadás) (pp 328 + t. XXIV)

Tárgyak szimbolikája (Symbolism of objects), Új Mandátum, Bp. 2005. (pp. 246)

Symbols and communication of values in the accession to the EU (Hungary) Semiotica, (La sémiotique politique/Political semiotics, Special issue), Mouton de Gruyter, Vol. 159. 2006/1-4, (pp. 111-141).

Túlélési stratégiák (Társadalmi adaptációs módok). {Strategies of Survival. /Adaptation Methods of Society/,} Kossuth, Bp. 2007. (pp. 616)

CulturalPattern of a Museum Guide (House of Terror, Budapest) {In: Politics of Collective Memory (Cultural Patterns of Commemorative Practices in Post-War Europe). /Cultural Patterns of Politics, Volume I. /. (Eds.: Wachnich, Sophie, Lašticová, Barbara and Findor, Andrej) LIT Verlag, Wien—Berlin, 2008. (pp 123-141)

Symbolic Elements of Everyday Culture, {Studies in Sociology/Szociológiai Tanulmányok 2012/2} MTA TK SZI/Institute of Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2012,  http://mek.oszk.hu

Látható és láthatatlan világok az ezredfordulón és utána (Visible and Invisible Worlds - World-views in the Nineties – and in the New Century), Typotex, Budapest, 2013,  (pp. 497)

A szellemi termelési mód (Intellectual Mode of Production), Kossuth, Budapest, 2013 (pp. 632)

Research Projects

Alternative Values, Alternative Life Strategies  (Period of analysis: 2011—2014)

Socio-cultural Aspects of the Changes of Housing and Public Spaces (2013-2014)

Changes of World-Views. 2010–2013  

Values and Visual Messages of Public Institutions (NCF–MNUAD)

2003–2007 Cultural Patterns of EU-Enlargement  (EU FP5) (participation in  the research)

2000–2004 National Identities and European Identity in the Process of EU-enlargement  (Co-ordinated by the Austrian Institute for East and Southeast European Studies) (participation in  the research)

Symbolic Aspects of Visual Culture (HSRF T—038287)

Socio-cultural Aspects of Symbolization Process (HSRF  T-32744, HSRF  RP 0371069)

1998–2006  Adaptation Methods of Society

1998–1999 Symbolic Elements of Identity Changes (HSRF A.1509/VIII.B/98)

1995–2000 Changes of World-Views in the Nineties

1995–2000 Symbolic Elements of Housing

1993—1994 Symbolization Process (HSRF—T-4628)

1992—1996 Changes of Values, Changes of Culture (HSRF—T-6865)

1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010

Values and Symbolic Messages in the Process of Electioneering (A longitudinal research)

1981–1985 Values and Visual Messages of Public Institutions

1980–1984 Value Systems of Nowadays Hungarian Society

1978–1989 and 1995-2000 Visual and Verbal Signs of Human Motivation

1977–1981 Basic Elements of Aesthetical Cognition