Megjelent Kocianova Renata (szerk.) Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries

Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2014.
Munkatársaink tanulmányai:

Kucsera Csaba: Wider Social Contexts of the Education of Older Adults in Hungary; Tardos Katalin: Older Adults and Work Life in Hungary; Laki Ildikó: System of Education of Older Adults in Hungary; Széman Zsuzsa: Methods of Education of Older Adults in Hungary

Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2014.
Munkatársaink tanulmányai:

Kucsera Csaba: Wider Social Contexts of the Education of Older Adults in Hungary; Tardos Katalin: Older Adults and Work Life in Hungary; Laki Ildikó: System of Education of Older Adults in Hungary; Széman Zsuzsa: Methods of Education of Older Adults in Hungary